Time : 03:56 (pm)



Samoa will commemorates World Meteorological Day with the coming into force on 23 March 1950 of the Convention establishing the World Meteorological Organization on Friday 22nd March 2019. It is a special day, for people working at the Meteorology Division of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment because it is a time to reminisce the essential contribution of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services to the safety and wellbeing of society, this also celebrated with activities around the world.  The selected theme for this year is “The Sun, the Earth and the Weather”. The Sun delivers the energy that powers all life on Earth. It drives the weather, ocean currents and hydrological cycle. It shapes our moods and daily activities. It is the inspiration for music, photography and art.

This important day is marked with a Career Awareness Program for science students from six (6) secondary colleges on the west side of Upolu Island. And more important is the government’s consultations of the Meteorology Bill that is a milestone event for Samoa Meteorology Division and the Ministry, a first legal instrument in the meteorological, geo-sciences and ozone disciplines to be developed. Both of these events will be held at the Peninsula – Meteorology Division Office, Mulinuu at 10 a.m. after the Opening Ceremony held at Vailima in conjunction with Forests, and Water Days.